Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our Tennessee/Kentucky Trip

Sunset from the back deck!!!
Well what a wonderful week we had on vacation last week.  We left on Fri. night and drove to West VA for an overnight to cut down on traveling time for Sat.  We arrived in TN to our cabin around 4:30 on Sat. and settled right in. 
Our Rental Cabin "It's a Wonderful Life"

Now to say that it was on top of the Smoky Mts. would be, well exactly correct.  It was a 10 min. right to get to the top of the Mt. from what we could tell there was only one more road up and that belonged to the mini-van we saw when we check in at the guardhouse who said they almost made it but couldn't get over the last great to make it to their cabin.  I was starting to get nervous when I heard this conversation, then it worsened as we started the drive!!! What had Barb & I picked out??? we wanted private and serene, well this was it!!  Our van slipped a little on the gravel parts of the road and hairpin turns, but we made it. After this we vowed to only go down the mt. once a day, the last night trip up the car did overheat as we had the a/c on it was like 10:30 at night but still in the 90's.  Steve got quite intune witht he terrain and we could make it down the mt. in about 5 min! 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stephen is turning eight years old!

Tomorrow we are having a football themed birthday party for Stephen.  He's invited some of his friends and of course his cousins next door for a celebration.  This is the first boys party I've done, so we'll see how it goes.  tonight Ellen helped me make the cakes, we did a helmet, a football, and tomorrow will finish a football field. 

We are planning on playing some skill games, like throwing the football into a basket, through a hoop, pass the water football, and dress up like a football player relay. 

We'll have hotdogs and chips for lunch, then cake and ice cream with gatorade to drink (well the G2 kind that has no high fructose corn syrup in it! LOL!)

The weather is to be good so it should be great fun!  Will post some pictures to follow-up.