and we are getting back to into our school routine, slowly, but surely. I always like to start slow and add additional things each day till we get up to full speed. But this week no one really was complaining with all the rain we were getting and so we did pretty much everything from the start. Amy's math is still on backorder so she'll have some catch up to do when it arrives but other than that the routine isn't too hard to adjust to.
One thing we didn't do over the summer was our chore chart (yippy skippy! the kids exclaimed), but with my time focused on schoolwork I can't let that happen any longer! so we are back to adding in daily chores using our chore card system and pocket chart and that's a huge help to me.
We are starting off with just 4 days right now as my Mom is need of some help at least one day a week right now. My stepdad's health has been up and down and so we are trying to help out 1 day a week by sitting with him so she can get her hair done and run errands. Then we also can help out with some cleaning in her apartment. The kiddos may take along some schoolwork to do while we are there, Pap will be busy with a phys. therapist and then he'll be resting as it'll tire him out, so they will have time to do some work. I'm so glad we can help out in a tangible way, up to this point he did ok staying on his own, but now I don't think it's the best idea.
Last week when we were there it was kind of sad and a bit funny. We got the in the a.m. and Pap was eating his breakfast. We said greeted him and then Mom left. After breakfast he got up and moved to the livingroom and fell asleep. We went in the kitchen and were cleaning and Ruby & Stephen were doing a math lesson for a little over an hour. Then Pap came walking in with his walker and said, "Well Hi, when did you guys get here? " It gave us a chuckle, but was also heart wrenching, but at least he didn't ask where Mom was, he must have remembered her telling him good-bye, so that was good.
So we are just praying that he can be well cared for and safe longer, we know that moving him from their home into a nursing home would be devastating He gets so disoriented when he's in the hospital, calling home, begging Mom to come and get him. He doesn't talk when he's there as he can't hear well and it's just very confusing for him. At least at home he can walk around the apartment and watch his on t.v. and he knows where he is. So this was a real answer to prayer to bring him home. He's getting some p.t. and an aide is coming to help Mom with his bathing, but in that respect he is doing so well they say they won't be there for too long. It's great to have that type of help!
So if you think of it pray for them and pray that we will be helpful to them in whatever ways we can. Also we pray that their eyes may be opened spiritually to all that God has done for them. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him might not perish,but have eternal life." John 3:16