I'm sure Stephen wouldn't love the fact that I've referred to him as little, but that is exactly what he is to me. My little man, so much like his Daddy. Today we walked down to Aldi's to pick up a few groceries for baking Chirstmas cookies and he graciously carried a waffle maker we had to return down and two full bags of groceries back, I laughed and told him who needs weights, when he can carry groceries 1/2 a mile. As I mentioned in Ruby's post Stephen learned to waterski this year, he wanted to do it over our week long stay at the lake when no one else is around, he's kind of shy that way. Here's a photo to see his accomplishment:

Stephen likes just about anything physical to do or that involves an electronic device, thankfully right now he'll always choose the physical activity over the electronic stuff. He loves to play hockey, football, and baseball with his cousins and at times his sisters at the house. On evenings when the Pens or Steelers are playing he can usually be found over at Grandpa's enjoying the game with him.
Here's a photo from Stephen's 9th birthday back in July, pictured with his Ripstick. He was introduced to the ripstick in June at a farewell party for our friends the Emslie's and so he asked for one for his birthday. Meme and Grandpa obliged and it was not very long after that, that he could be found riding up and down the driveway with cousins Mal & Nate. The faster the better it seems!
Here's a photo from our week at the lake, practicing some target shooting with Dad, Ruby, and Emma.
I asked Stephen what he's looking forward most to in 2012, he said he'd like to learn how to wakeboard, kneeboard, and do some target shooting with a BB Gun. Yep, he's all boy and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. Dad has taken to reminding him lately when he's fighting with his sisters of piddly stuff that he needs to learn the Four P's of Godly manhood, how to be a Prophet, Priest, Provider and Protector. Protector means helping your sister buckle up in the car instead of complaining she should now how to do that already! lots of learning to be done these early years, by God's grace will we only make progress in these areas, may He equip us to the task at hand.