Summertime is the time for reading for me. I often just can't get to it in the winter with planning school and all the other activities that seem to go on, but in the summer I often can read a book a week. Last year I read some Ted Dekker books, some I liked some I did not, but had to finish them if you know what I mean.
This year I stumbled upon a Karen Kingsbury book at the library called "Unlocked".

I've seen her books around Sam's Club and the various catalogs over the years, but never read one. It was a very easy read about a boy with autism and how music unlocks his world. While there was some content I wasn't 100% sure about, overall I enjoyed the book enough to read 2 more by her from the library. I finished

Beyond Tuesday Morning easily which is about a widow after 9/11, it was very enjoyable and then I read

Sunrise which has gotten me hooked on wanting to read the whole series. One thing I do love about the author is how she takes you into her characters thoughts and you feel like you can see them growing spiritually, making choices, and living them out. There are often written prayers and someone presenting the gospel through the story and she always includes the gospel within the book cover.
I've been also trying to finish The Ishbane Conspiracy by Randy Alcorn. While I loved Safely Home immensely, I haven't loved Deadline or this book.

It is written in the style of Screwtape Letters about a demon and his thoughts and lessons on how to deceive and control people. There are some awesome lines in the book, but I just can't seem to get into it.
So I started another book called Reshaping it All.

This is by Candace Cameron from the t.v. show Full House and sister to Kirk Cameron who many of you know from his acting days and his work now with Ray Comfort on The Way of the Master. This is a non-fiction book is about how her faith has helped her stay healthy and fit. I've only gotten 2 chapters in so far, but I think I will enjoy it.
On my nightstand is also
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp. I follow Ann's blog and this book is very thought provoking, not one you just rush and read through. It's a book to contemplate each chapter and give it a great deal of thought. I'd be interested if you've read it what your thoughts were.
Lastly, when we were in Harrisburg I picked up a 6 week Bible Study that I've been doing daily and will finish up soon by Brenda Lancaster. It's called Living in a Zoo. The study is great, very Biblical, points you to scripture to read and meditate on daily and really helps you keep your focus on the Lord. I'm finding it very helpful for my life, especially on this slower summer days. I was able to really apply some of the teaching with my children last week and anything that helps me apply scripture to life lessons for them is a good book!
Hope you are enjoying some great books this summer, check out your library for some of these books, ebay, or
I almost forgot one I did not read, I just couldn't. I like clean books, I do not like profanity when I'm reading. I only read a page or two of a murder myster called Cold Springs by Riordan (the same guy who has written the Percy Jackson Series).

I just couldn't get past that and did not read on.