Friday, December 16, 2011

Soon to turn "Sweet Sixteen"!

Nick and Joshua Hill with Amy
 What can we say about Amy?  three words come to my mind, funny faces, food and friends! well I should add in a fourth and that would be facebook!  Amy is turning sixteen on Jan. 15th, 2012 so if you drive the roads in Westmoreland County you may want to remain alert!  just kidding!  Steve and I laugh at the thought that we still have three more kiddos to teach to drive after Amy!  you all know how stressful that can be, well for me anyhow.

Hannah and Amy at the Lake

Amy is in the tenth grade this year and is doing well with her required subjects.  She keeps busy with babysitting, gardening for a friend of the family, and cleaning for two families.  When she is able she also likes to go to work with her Dad and do whatever it is he is doing, she'll probably do some of that over the next few weeks.  She was able to take two separate trips up to Kara's this year, one where she caught a ride with a friend of the family and one with Ellen.  Her other big event for the year was going for the first time to Worldview Academy at Grove City College for one week.  Ellen, Amy and two other friends traveled together and Amy was a bit apprehensive, but that quickly faded.  She made a lot of friends that she keeps in touch with almost daily and can't wait for that week to come this summer.  Emma could go along but she felt she just wanted to wait one more year before going and Ellen is now done, so it's a good thing she dispelled any fears she had about going.

Amy going down the church slip n slide 

Ellen's photography subject, Amy!

Amy enjoys reading and reads very quickly! she's always working on one book with another waiting on the desk in her room to start.  She is teaching herself to play guitar and her latest pastime is making crazy videos for her friends and posting them on facebook.  She has enjoyed a few trips with friends to the ice skating rink and bowling alley and is cooking up some kind of fancy dinner night with her friends for her birthday.  I'm sure it will be fun whatever it is!  Our prayer for Amy is that she would continue to grow in her faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and when we get those little glimpses into His work in her life it's so exciting! May He continue to lead and guide her.

1 comment:

  1. Happy sweet 16th birthday Amy.I am proud of the fine young lady she is turning out to be! I am enjoying all the updates on the kiddos :O)
