Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ruby's Rambilngs

Dearest Ruby, what can one say she truly is a precious jewel.  She always has a smile on her face and can help you bring one to yours.  She is now 5 years old and loves to do schoolwork.  Her reading has improved a lot this year and she often asks her Dad if she can read the Bible with him.  She tries her best to sound out all the words without getting discouraged.  Her math skills are unbelievable to me, so glad at least a few children of mine like math, it always seems to be a battleground subject if you don't like it.

Ruby has had a year of firsts, she learned to ride a two wheeler, tie her shoes (she just did this the other night during devotions, we had been working on it from time to time, but suddenly it clicked), and she learned from the dentist a week ago that her bottom teeth are wiggly so now she's waiting to lose that first tooth.

Ruby with her usual group of buddies Mal, Ruby, Stephen, & Nate

The oldest and youngest all prepared for the big day

At the Creation Musuem

Doing school like the big kids/model of the earth's layers

Painting at Kara's house

As you can see Ruby does pretty much whatever everyone else is doing, age segregation is not in her vocabulary for the most part.  She is close buddies with cousin Nate next door, they are usually paired up
in the yard playing together, while Stephen & Mal are together.  He is like a second big brother to her, always looking after her and just being kind, it's very sweet to witness.

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