Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Year End Remembrances in photos

Ruby and her friend Ava playing while the older kids take an art class.

Ellen, Rubyk, Emma, Emily, Max, & Stephen on a visit to the Civil War Museum in Harrisburg

Road trip

TOG Group outside the Johnstown Flood Museum

Dad to the rescue!!

Bobby & Stephen in their Penguin gear at Kara's wedding

Grace & Steve, this wedding stuff comes too early!

Angelo, Dom, Andrew Family Fun Night Wiffle Ball

Ellen and her Meritorious Award from AWANA



Ashley, Ellen, & Bethany on the way to Worldview Academy Week

Laura at the summer Bible Study

Moms with thinking caps on planning for TOG Co-op

Nate & Tyler at Stephen's birthday party

Isaiah's 1st birthday party

Amy & Zeb

The Groom and his groomsmen

Marina, Anna, Emma, Angelina, Lydia, Eli at the wedding

Kara saying goodbye to Stephen

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